A Free Guide to Replicating the United States' Successful ENERGY STAR Buildings Program

This guide is provided free of charge to governments, trade associations, non-profits, consultants, and energy efficiency service companies. By creating a program similar to the ENERGY STAR Buildings program, our hope is that other countries will succeed in creating a market-based mechanism for reducing greenhouse gas emissions resulting from energy consumption in buildings. 


Chapter 1: Why Focus on Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings

Chapter 2: Who Can Create a Market for Energy Efficient Buildings

Chapter 3: How to Create a Market for Energy Efficient Buildings

Section 1: Influencing Market Behavior through the Power of Information

    •  Establish Four Market Behavior Influencing Program Elements

    •  Research and Promote the New Technologies and Management Practices to Building Owners

    •  Research and Promote the Financial Benefits of Energy Efficient Buildings to Building Owners

    •  The Role of Public Disclosure Policies and Energy-Efficient Building Recognition

Section 2: Creating an Energy Performance Rating System

    •  Components of the US EPA Energy Performance Rating System

Section 3: Influencing Market Participants

    •  The Supply and Demand for Energy Efficient Buildings

    •  Creating Demand for Energy Efficient Buildings Among Building Owners

    •  Creating a Supply of Energy Efficient Buildings

    •  Additional Market Participants

    •  The Resulting Market Dynamic

Section 4: Establishing Energy Performance Public Disclosure Polices

    •  The Importance of Energy Performance Public Disclosure Policies

    •  The Community Impact of Energy Performance Disclosure Policies

Section 5: Providing Educational Resources to the Market

    •  Credible Educational Resources

    •  The Importance of Independent Third Party Educational Information

Chapter 4: Evaluating Progress


About the Author


Former ENERGY STAR Buildings Program Manager

Bob Sauchelli is one of the originators of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR Buildings program where he was a Program Manager for 20 years.  He has worked with a wide range of public and private sector organizations to create a market for energy efficient commercial buildings. He participated in the development and implementation of ENERGY STAR Buildings program elements such as, the ENERGY STAR Energy Performance Rating Tool: Portfolio Manager, energy management technical and financial information, and the ENERGY STAR Certification for buildings. Bob promoted ENERGY STAR Buildings by establishing partnerships with the Commercial Real Estate and Energy Efficiency Services industries. He also worked to incorporate ENERGY STAR Buildings program elements into state and local energy performance disclosure legislation.      

Prior to joining ENERGY STAR Buildings, Bob was Executive Vice President of Environmental Energy Efficiency Services, Inc. a New York based energy efficiency services company. 

Before becoming active in the energy management field, Bob was a Vice President of Securities Operations at Bankers Trust Company. 

Bob is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Business and holds an MBA in Industrial Administration from the University of Connecticut.